
Montserrat López

Montserrat López

She was born in Barcelona. She began her oboe studies in the Conservatorio Superior de Música with Domènec Segú. Later she continued her studies at the Conservatoire de Perpignan with Michel Giot and received the Médaille d’Or upon completing her studies. She was a founding member of the Trio de Canyes de Barcelona, of the … Read more

Ana Andrés

Ana Andrés

She began her studies at the age of 5 at the Escuela de Música Ortega in her hometown, Palencia, where she could build the pillars of her musical formation for 6 courses: first contact with an instrument, first concepts theoretical and harmonics and first concerts as soloist as in group. Later, she went to study … Read more

Tamara Alexeeva

Tamara Alexeeva

She studied lyrical singing at the Superior Conservatory “A. Boito” in Parma, Italy. Among her teachers, we can name Franco Corelli, Katia Ricciarelli, Virginia Zeani, Leone Maggera and Mietta Sighele. Winner of the competitions “Iris Adami-Corradetti” from Padua, “Giuseppe Verdi” from Parma, “Voci verdiane” from Busseto (Italy). She debuted in the role of Giulia in the opera … Read more

Jordi Parramon

Jordi Parramon

Jordi Parramon was born in Santa Coloma in the year 1959. He started his musical studies at the Center for Musical Studies in Barcelona and at the Conservatories of Barcelona and Badalona. He studied vocal technique with Carme Tulon, harmony with Benet Casablancas and Juan Luis Milán, and piano with David Padrós, choir conducting with … Read more

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