Estela Pellejero

Singer, composer and cellist born in Pamplona, Navarra, in 2000. She grew up in an artistic family environment and studied music and dance since she was little. She coordinates both professional cello and singing training with ballet, Spanish dance and flamenco. This, complemented by her immersion in British musical theatre, makes her a multidisciplinary artist.
In 2018 she entered the world of jazz as a vocalist of the Iruña Jazz Big Band and a year later she accessed the higher degree at ESMUC in the specialty of jazz singing, while completing her professional classical cello teachings at the Conservatori del Liceu. It is then when she began her formative stage in which she developed her own style as an interpreter of different styles (jazz, funk, Latin, neo-soul, pop, flamenco, universal folklore…).
Currently, Estela has a degree in music, specializing in jazz singing, and she resides between Barcelona and Pamplona, working as a teacher while directing her artistic career as a composer, performer and bandleader. She speaks Spanish, Catalan, English and French.

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