
Horia Mihon Nicolescu

Horia Mihon Nicolescu

Horia Mihon teaches cello and Music Sensibilization. He has a Master’s Degree in Classical Music Interpretation from ESMUC (José Mor), as well as a Postgraduate Degree at the Superior Conservatory of Music of Castilla y León, Salamanca (Aldo Mata). He has the Superior Degree of music in the specialty of Cello, obtained in Salamanca (Aldo Mata). In 2014 he completed his musical … Read more

Agustín Capdevila

Agustín Capdevila

Agustín Capdevila teaches Renaissance Lute, Baroque Lute, Vihuela and Theorbo. In his approach to music, he went through a variety of instruments, such as piano, electric guitar and classical guitar, and also through different music styles, such as rock, metal and classical, but always with an interest and curiosity for early music. In the beginning, … Read more

Trent Hellerstein

Trent Hellerstein

Trent Hellerstein received a Bachelor of Music degree “with distinction” from the University of Michigan and a Master of Music from the Juilliard School which he attended on a Naumberg scholarship. He has additional studies from the Aspen Music Festival, Music Academy of the West, Los Angeles Philharmonic Institute and the Sarasota Music Festival. Professionally, … Read more

Iris Mañà Alentà

Iris Mañà Alentà

Born in Barcelona in 1991, she began studying music in her hometown. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Music Pedagogy for Harp with honors at the University für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna, where she studied with the musicians Andrea Hampl and Adelheid Blovsky-Miller. She has also studied the flute at the Privatuniversität der … Read more

Ernesto Ruiz Leandro

Ernesto Ruiz Leandro

He was born in Caracas – Venezuela in 1960. His musical training started at a very young age, learning Guitar and the Cuatro. It was not until he was 14 years old that he started studying violin and I formalized my preparation at the Conservatory. In 1978 he joined the Youth Orchestra of Caracas and … Read more

Álvaro Vega Báscones

Álvaro Vega Báscones

Álvaro Vega Báscones begins his musical studies at the Professional Conservatory of Music “Ataulfo Argenta” of Santander with the professor Lara Eloísa Manzano Gómez. In 2015 he began his higher studies at the Superior Conservatory of Music “Rafael Orozco”, being his transverse flute teacher Wéndela Claire van Swol and finishing his studies in 2019. In … Read more

José María Martínez Felipe

José María Martínez Felipe

Born in Valencia, begins in the clarinet at age of 6 with the teacher and band director in its time José Miguel Mico, at the school of music “L’artística Manisense” of Manises (Valencia). In 1999 performs tests of access to intermediate level at the Conservatory of Music “San Esteban” in Valencia,  receiving Honorable Mention in … Read more

Pere Vera Cortés

Pere Vera Cortés

He was born in Palma de Mallorca and at the age of 3 he moved to Barcelona with his family. The son of an international trumpeter, at the age of 9 he began his music studies at the Superior Conservatory of Music in Barcelona. He obtained an honorable mention in Intermediate Degree and during his … Read more

Montserrat López

Montserrat López

She was born in Barcelona. She began her oboe studies in the Conservatorio Superior de Música with Domènec Segú. Later she continued her studies at the Conservatoire de Perpignan with Michel Giot and received the Médaille d’Or upon completing her studies. She was a founding member of the Trio de Canyes de Barcelona, of the … Read more

Ana Andrés

Ana Andrés

She began her studies at the age of 5 at the Escuela de Música Ortega in her hometown, Palencia, where she could build the pillars of her musical formation for 6 courses: first contact with an instrument, first concepts theoretical and harmonics and first concerts as soloist as in group. Later, she went to study … Read more

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